Relics In The Basement

A couple guys I went to elementary school and college with are in town for a few days. These are the guys who I spent a lot of time with in a basement playing D&D instead of being a normal kid. Today we hung out together and ended up back at the same house (his parents still live there) where we spent most of our basement time.

There have not been a lot of changes made to this basement. The same couches that were there 30 years ago when we played D&D are still there. It’s really kind of fun to look around and see all the old stuff still sitting around. I knew this to be the case as we were headed down to the basement and I jokingly asked if his old TRS-80 Color Computer was still down there.

It was.

TRS-80 Color Computer

It’s there in the exact same spot from 30 years ago. It was not actually plugged in to the ancient tube TV sitting next to it or I would have turned it on. This is from the days when you got a really terrific, thick book with the computer about how to program it to do things. Many of us learned how to program with these TRS-80 Basic books.

For kicks, I opened the drawer under the computer. Of course, there were all the floppies and tapes that went along with it.

Color Computer Paraphernalia

The more I think about it, the more I want to go back and see how much still works.

The Annibirthaversary Farewell Cake

I present the most awesome cake my wife has ever made, the Annibirthaversary Farewell Cake.

We have a lot of events that occur around the same time of year, and this just happened to coincide with one grandparent being in town for a week and a couple of other grandparents about to leave town for the winter. It sounded like a great excuse for a big family party, so that’s what we did.

We celebrated:

  • Violet turning 1 on October 11th.
  • Gillian turning 4 on October 13th.
  • Neil turning 6 on September 10th.
  • Calvin turning 16 on October 15th.
  • Terry turning 41 on October 1st.
  • Grandma Ann turning 72 on August 20th.
  • Steve & Terry’s 12th anniversary on September 30th.
  • Grandpa David and Grandma Pat leaving town for the winter on September 16th.

8 events. 8 sections of cake. 1 cake of awesomeness. Click on the picture for the gallery.

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It tasted pretty damn good too.

I hope he sounds as good as he looks.

This is a cardboard violin, which is what the kids use to learn to hold a real violin. You gradually add rice inside it until it’s the equivalent weight of the real thing. That way there is less breakage from drops when the real violin is introduced.

Neil certainly has the serious look down pat.

Violin Practice

Oh great, a new gadget to resist purchasing.

Today Amazon introduced the Kindle Paperwhite.


Amazon Kindle Paperwhite


I have occasionally tinkered with the idea of getting a Kindle (just a low-end Kindle, not one of the fancy Amazon tablets), but have successfully resisted the pull, unlike with a certain other expensive device.[1. My 13″ Apple Macbook Air, which I don’t hesitate to call the best computer I’ve ever owned.  I’m just not sure I needed it, but I am finding it incredibly useful to have around. I took over a year to finally decide to plunk down my money, so I think I thought things out pretty hard.]  My wife has a previous generation Kindle, and I really like it.  It looks like a very pleasing way to sit around and read a novel. I resisted getting my own because I have a very nice Apple iPad that happily displays all my Kindle content with an extremely beautiful backlit screen, which is important because I do a great deal of my reading in bed. Now the new Kindle screen is even better than the previous Kindle, and backlit.  But $119 is high enough that I will, I believe, successfully resist its siren call and stick with using my iPad, even though it’s quite a bit heavier than one of these Kindles.  Mostly this is just gadget lust, a quality I’ve learned to recognize in myself.  I wouldn’t complain, however, if my wife decided that it would make a great present for me someday…