The Newest Member Of Our Family

Neil, our 6-year-old, decided he is very interested in learning to play the violin. After a few weeks with his cardboard version (that’s how they start) he was still enjoying it greatly, so we broke down and bought him the real thing. This is a 1/4-size starter violin.

Neil’s new violin.

And this is actually the second instrument we’ve purchased this month. Calvin also got a very, very nice saxophone upgrade. He’s been working hard to increase his skills so his mother and I decided it was time for an upgrade. A significant upgrade. The last upgrade. He gets to purchase any future saxophones. Did I mention this was a very nice $$$axophone? Nice enough that I insured it as fast as I could.

I think the next instrument should be a guitar for me.

Chilling Amazon Behavior

Amazon just closed her account and wiped her Kindle. Without notice. Without explanation.

Outlawed by Amazon DRM

I’ve been lazy lately about stripping DRM out of books we buy and sticking them in our archive. I think I’ll try to do better.

Perhaps, at least, the books weren’t wiped? Kindle user claims Amazon deleted whole library without explanation (See the “updates” section.)

I’m sure there are a lot of details we don’t know about this yet. It’ll probably be one of those stories that starts out with an explosion and ends up being a non-event when the full story comes out.