Good golly, that took a really long time.
Category: Twitter
Inside Two Immovable Boxes…
42 pages of instructions, dozens of parts, uncountable hardware, and a total of around 4,000 pounds. Here we go.
Moore’s Law My Butt
Remember when a 6-year-old computer wasn’t worth more than a doorstop?
At Least They Don’t Know—BZZT THEY KNOW IT ALL
Holy moley. This makes me feel good about using Google for next to nothing these days, and for using an iPhone instead of an Android phone: 14 eyebrow-raising personal details Google knows about you
The tag line is very accurate:
Some are fascinating, others are frightening
It’s amazing how long they hold on to some things, meaning they hold on forever:
6) A full list of everything you’ve done from any Android device
7) A comprehensive collection of every site you’ve visited in Chrome—on any device
Yeah, I know, you can turn most of this off if you want, or so they claim. But why should I have to work so hard?
My Security Camera Finally (Sort Of) Caught Something!
Our neighbor across the street is moving and had a nice big, white, enclosed trailer parked on the street. It was empty, waiting for them to fill it today. Unfortunately for him, someone decided to be an asshole and steal it last night.
I have a rather nice security camera pointed at our driveway, constantly recording everything it sees. The trailer was parked just out of the picture to the top right, but I got the thief’s activity and truck pretty completely. The camera is set up to catch people in our driveway, so the shot of the thief in the street is not great quality. Certainly not good enough to make out a face or license plate. But at one point a car drives by and nicely illuminates the entire truck to the point where the make and model could likely be identified by someone who knew such stuff.
The police seemed happy to have something anyway. They know what the truck looks like and exactly what time the theft happened.
If you want to watch the video, here it is. Watch the top right area. You can see the guy drive slowly by to check things out, and then he comes back a few minutes later. It takes him a few tries to position the hitch correctly, and in the middle of all that he has to sit patiently while a car drives by, illuminating his truck fully.